Sub-project for Electric Power Development in Thilawa Area under Infrastructure Development Project (Phase I)
Project Brief:
Procurement and installation of materials for 33 kV double circuit distribution line, gas turbine generators, 3 units of 100MVA 230/33kV transformer, 33 kV GIS (Gas Insulated Switchgear) panels, materials for gas pipeline for connection and Gas Receiving Station (GRS) for project area.
Stringing work of 230 kV single-circuit transmission line between T/L Tower No. T-9 (DTTE) and the gantry structure in Thilawa substation.
Construction of 230 kV single-circuit and 230 kV transmission line between Thanlyin substation and Thilawa substation.
Sector | Energy |
Sector Description | Access to cheap, clean energy is fundamental to the modernization and economic development of any aspiring nation. The study, design and construction of energy facilities especially hydro-electric power stations, is our core strength. We have been involved in hydropower development, the original renewable energy source, since our earliest days and among Japanese engineering firms, we have by far the largest global track record. Not only do we analyze power needs and identify optimal development plans, we also provide all feasibility analysis, design, procurement, and construction management for dams, power stations, and transmission systems. |
Sub-sector | Power System |
Project name | Sub-project for Electric Power Development in Thilawa Area under Infrastructure Development Project (Phase I) |
Project Location | Project Location: Yangon (Thilawa), Myanmar Project Period: October 2014 ~ March 2018 |
Client | Myanma Electricity Power Enterprise |
Finance | Japanese Yen Loan |
Services | Detailed Design, Tender Assistance, Construction Supervision |